On Tuesday, September 22, 2009, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously to enter into a new sole source contract with FilmL.A. for film permit coordination and related community relations and accounting services.
The new contract, crafted to accommodate the unique needs of both the industry and local communities, notably preserves the rapid turnaround and permitting flexibility that filmmakers have come to expect from FilmL.A.
The new contract also includes a contract term of up to 15 years — five years in the initial term and up to two optional five-year extensions. Fully executed, the new contract will double the length of FilmL.A.’s service to the County. Our firm has served the County since 1995, when we were created through a landmark partnership between L.A. County and L.A. City officials and entertainment industry advocates.
“We’re grateful for the Board of Supervisors’ unanimous vote of confidence,” said FilmL.A. Board Chair Pamm Fair. “This extended arrangement will help us with long-term planning and justifies our ongoing investment in training and technology to enhance our level of service to our government, entertainment industry and community constituents.”