FilmL.A., the not-for-profit film office serving the Greater Los Angeles region, today announced the release of a new report prepared by its research division. The 2013 Feature Film Production Study analyzes a sample of 108 U.S. feature films released theatrically last year, identifying where they were filmed, how much was spent to produce them and how many jobs they sustained … Read More
FilmL.A. Research Issues 20-Year Film Production Retrospective
Earlier this month, FilmL.A. Research published one of its most comprehensive reports ever. The new report, entitled “Filming On-Location in Los Angeles: 1993-2013,” analyzes patterns of growth and decline in local filming brought about by developments in the U.S. domestic film, television and commercial production market. The report includes a detailed examination of filming trends across nine distinct project categories, … Read More
On-Location Production in Los Angeles Increases in Second Quarter
L.A. area on-location filming increased 8.6 percent in the second quarter compared to the same period last year (12,173 PPD in 2013 vs. 11,209 PPD in 2012), according to a report released earlier this month by FilmL.A. However, a new 5-year historical analysis revealed consistent under-performance in key Television subcategories. While on-location television production is driving significant year-over-year gains, historical … Read More
Still Photo Permits Drive Apparent Production Increase in Los Angeles
FilmL.A.’s first quarter production report for 2013 contained an encouraging surprise — a 17.6 percent increase in overall production compared to the same period the previous year. But, as they often can, short-term increases in overall production mask important truths. Year-over-year analyses, while informative, can also diminish awareness of long-term trends. Feature production levels, for example, were up almost 26 … Read More
First Quarter of 2013 Gifts L.A. with Film & TV Production Rebound
FilmL.A. — the not-for-profit community benefit organization that coordinates permits for filmed entertainment shot on-location in the City of Los Angeles, unincorporated parts of Los Angeles County and other local jurisdictions — today announced that overall on-location production jumped 17.6 percent in the first quarter compared to the same period in 2012 (13,361 PPD in 2013 vs. 11,360 PPD in … Read More