MyFilmLA Status
Regular maintenance window
FilmLA maintenance windows occur every Wednesday from 5:57 AM PT to 7:30 AM PT .
Version Release Notes
The latest update provides all permit applicants a new production planning tool: the ability to check desired locations for conflict with other filming events, after submitting a permit application to FilmLA for review.
From within MyFilmLA, permit applicants can now use GIS mapping features to visualize nearby permitted filming activity on one's requested date and time. All Location Authorization types, whether for filming, base camp, or crew parking use, can now be visualized on the customer-accessible map.
Details about other area productions, such as contact information for the Locations team, can also be accessed by all applicants and their agents. The map remains available to applicants throughout the MyFilmLA workflow, as Location Authorizations are reviewed by government permit approvers.
For more information about the new feature, see this Help Page.
As a result of feedback from our many user groups, including FilmLA customers, jurisdictional approvers, and employees; our team has been working to bring major changes to the way Application Fees are calculated and applied within the MyFilmLA system.
For productions permitted through FilmLA, one Application Fee allows up to 10 production locations within 14 consecutive days (exceptions are made for Reality Show projects).
Previously, the Application Fee window was automatically set based on the first location entered and had to be manually adjusted by a FilmLA Production Coordinator to allow for changes to that window. The update to our system, coming to MyFilmLA this week, automatically shifts the 14-day window for Application Fees, allowing applicants to submit LAs in any order as the system dynamically adjusts the date window.
Please note: The dynamic window only applies to new production locations. Adjustments are not made for canceled or edited locations.
More information can be found under the Payments and Refunds section of our FAQ page.
MyFilmLA Status
View the system status of MyFilmLA and progress updates for incidents.
System Status
Scheduled Maintenance
Window: 10/30/2021 1pm-3pm
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Window: 11/30/2021 1pm-3pm
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Upcoming Enhancements
- Input your text here!
- The text element is intended for longform copy
- that could potentially include multiple paragraphs
MyFilmLA Maintenance 5:50 AM PT on 12/19/2024
MyFilmLA will be offline for maintenance starting at 5:50 AM Pacific Time on Thursday, December 19th, 2024. Maintenance is expected to last no longer than 8:00 AM Pacific Time.
MyFilmLA Maintenance 5:50 AM PT on 12/2/2024
MyFilmLA will be offline for maintenance starting at 5:50 AM Pacific Time on Monday, December 2nd, 2024. Maintenance is expected to last no longer than 8:00 AM Pacific Time.
MyFilmLA Maintenance 5:50 AM PT on 11/25/2024
MyFilmLA will be offline for maintenance starting at 5:50 AM Pacific Time on Monday, November 25th, 2024. Maintenance is expected to last no longer than 8:00 AM Pacific Time.