Community Relations ProgramS
Approximately one half of FilmLA’s workforce is based in the field, providing ground-level service to local communities before, during and after filming activity. Over the years, we’ve introduced three different programs to enhance the on-location filmmaking process.
Outreach Program
FilmLA’s outreach and education team is active on the ground in communities where filming occurs. Charged with gathering location intelligence, resolving filming concerns, and establishing relationships with community leaders and organizations, team members are a regular presence in local communities.
LA Loves Film, a celebration of the film industry’s contributions to Greater Los Angeles, is overseen by the outreach team.

If you live or work in a community FilmLA serves, you deserve to know about upcoming filming before production trucks roll in.
That’s why FilmLA offers a Neighborhood Notification service, delivering timely Notices of Filming to nearby homes and businesses in person and by email. This service is paid for by film production companies.
FilmLA strives to distribute Notices of Filming as soon as film permit details are finalized. Usually, that means we are able to provide all affected neighbors with two days’ advance notice.
Notices of Filming include proposed filming dates and times, a description of the scene, parking requirements, and phone numbers should you have concerns. Notices are distributed two business days or more prior to filming. Electronic notification is also available in select areas.

Monitoring Program
FilmLA created the Monitoring Program to respond to community concerns with on-location filming, particularly in neighborhoods that are popular with filmmakers.
FilmLA Monitors are our eyes and ears on the street. They are assigned to sensitive filming locations to provide community members and film production companies with continuous third-party support throughout the filming day. This service is paid for by film production companies.
During a typical day, Monitors will work to make sure filmmakers work within the terms of their permits. They are also available to troubleshoot issues involving loading, unloading and proper placement of production vehicles and equipment. At day’s end, their final responsibility is to make sure that sure the neighborhood is as clean as it was before the film crew arrived.
When necessary, Monitors will also assist FilmLA Production Coordinators in applying and communicating changes and/or extensions to active film permits.

Unique among FilmLA community relations programs is the Filming Survey – which promotes a more positive filming experience for all by promoting industry/neighborhood dialogue in advance of higher-impact film shoots.
Unlike other community relations programs, Community Filming Surveys are not performed by FilmLA personnel. When FilmLA determines that a survey must be performed, responsibility for going door-to-door to share filming plans and understand neighborhood concerns is handled directly by filmmaker representatives. Satisfactory completion of a Filming Survey, and a permit seeker’s reasonable attempt to address any concerns thereby uncovered, are required for permit release.
Each Filming Survey includes information about upcoming filming activity, including dates and hours of filming, area parking impacts, and other exceptional activities. Survey forms also contain contact information for FilmLA and the Production Company, to facilitate the resolution before filming begins.