The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has informed FilmL.A. that it is temporarily suspending all commercial filming at District schools. LAUSD announced the temporary hiatus as the District undertakes a review of its existing filming practices and procedures.
In a statement, LAUSD Superintendent Ramon Cortines explained, “It is important that we ensure teaching and learning are not disrupted, and that all filming activity is appropriate for our schools. As an organization responsible for educating students, it is essential that we hold ourselves and our schools to a high standard.”
At this time, the duration of the LAUSD filming hiatus is uncertain. If you were planning to film at an LAUSD school or property on or after October 9, 2015, please be advised that your request will not be approved. Requests to park production vehicles on LAUSD property on or after October 9, 2015 will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
During the LAUSD hiatus, FilmL.A.’s Property Lease and Production Planning teams are available to help you locate alternate locations for filming. Please contact us at 213-977-8600, and we will do our best to assist you.