FilmL.A. Forecasts Year-End Production Shortfall

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Recent FilmL.A. Production Reports.FilmL.A.’s third-quarter film production report is out, and the news has cast a chill over the industry’s hopes for a year-end recovery.
Overall on-location film production dropped 14.3 percent in the third quarter, with a 21.4 percent drop in television production leading the decline.  All told, filmmakers logged 9,680 permitted production days (PPD) between July through September 2009, compared to 11,300 during the same period in 2008.
During the quarter, an unexpected increase in both feature film and commercial production brought those categories increases of 25.5 percent (1,485 PPD vs. 1,183 PPD) and 10.2 percent (1,215 PPD vs. 1,103 PPD), respectively. 

Nonetheless, a string of recent declines has left major industry sectors in the red.  So far this year, feature film production is off 37.4 percent (3,789 PPD vs. 6,051 PPD), commercials off 21.4 percent (3,674 PPD vs. 4,673 PPD) and television off 11.0 percent (12,709 PPD vs. 14, 274 PPD).
“At this point, we have to acknowledge that the year-end report won’t be favorable,” noted FilmL.A. President Paul Audley. “This report confirms the necessity of recent actions by the Los Angeles City Council, the California State Legislature and Governor Schwarzenegger in moving to incentivize local production.” 
If you’d like to view the full third quarter report, download it now.  Historical production figures are also available from 1993 onward.

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