CORRECTION: Metro Transit Security to Staff Film Shoots on MTA Properties

FilmLAProduction Alerts

Update: An earlier FilmL.A. Production Alert, dated August 7, detailed a revised procedure for the hiring of security for film-related detail work at LA Metro properties. This Alert supersedes and replaces that announcement.

FilmL.A., at the request of L.A. Metro, reminds the production community of the procedures for filming at Metro properties. Metro’s current procedures for filming permits are outlined here on the Metro web site:

With regard to the hiring of Metro Transit Security for permitted film shoots, Metro confirms that it will maintain its current protocol, in which Metro Transit Security officers will staff permitted film shoots on Metro property, with law enforcement brought in for shoots requiring extra detail.

If you have any other questions about filming in Greater Los Angeles, we invite you to contact FilmL.A.’s Production Planning team at 213-977-8600.