As Inauguration Day approaches on January 20th, local officials expect increased staffing demands for law enforcement and public safety personnel. No filming activity requiring the direct presence of CHP or Sheriffs will be approved for January 20th (Inauguration Day). This means no driving shots, intermittent traffic control, lane closures, or full street closures will be available in areas served by … Read More
CORRECTION: Metro Transit Security to Staff Film Shoots on MTA Properties
Update: An earlier FilmL.A. Production Alert, dated August 7, detailed a revised procedure for the hiring of security for film-related detail work at LA Metro properties. This Alert supersedes and replaces that announcement. FilmL.A., at the request of L.A. Metro, reminds the production community of the procedures for filming at Metro properties. Metro’s current procedures for filming permits are outlined … Read More
Filming Without a Permit Could Really Cost You
In tough economic times, individuals, families and businesses find ways to slash budgets, streamline and “go without”. One such risky ploy to save money seems be happening more frequently — production companies “going without” a film permit. While pinching pennies is prudent, filming without a permit is illegal and can be costly. It’s been two years now since the Los … Read More