FilmLA Updates Ongoing Sound Stage Occupancy Study, Establishes New Publishing Schedule

FilmLAFor Filmmakers, News Releases, Research

Sound Stage Study 2023 Q1 q2

Today FilmLA updated its regional survey of sound stage occupancy and certified studio-based production. The newly released data covers the first half of 2023 and the closely-watched period leading up to the WGA / SAG-AFTRA work actions. The latest report is available free to registered subscribers to FilmLAs Research Updates.  

In many ways, the situation faced by stage operators in the first half of 2023 seems familiar today.  Uncertainty about the outcome of industry contract talks saw occupancy levels drop substantially, dipping to as low as 74 percent by the second quarter.  This is the lowest reported occupancy level observed by FilmLA since formal study of this sector began in 2016.  On-location production, separately tracked by FilmLA, also slipped substantially at this time.

Approximately 706 projects filmed on stages during the study period, and among them the overall proportions of feature film, television, and commercial projects did not change much from prior periods.

Non-film use of stage properties increased in early 2023, to about 17 percent of total activity. Resilient in the face of reduced filmmaker demand, stage operators welcomed novel non-film uses of unused stage properties in early 2023 and into the latter half of the year. Study participants reported that use of sound stages and backlots was something event producers, marketing agencies and other parties often pursue, but in recent years many of these inquiries had to be turned away, due to lack of space.

Today’s update is the second sound stage report FilmLA Research has published in 2024. Two more updates are planned by this fall. After that, and in order to meet research participants’ need for more real-time insight into occupancy and use of Los Angeles area sound stages, FilmLA will move to publish these updates on a six-month basis, every March and September, beginning in 2025.

FilmLA’s latest update does not include an updated list of area sound stage projects in development.  For a recent discussion of this topic, see our last Sound Stage Report, published in February 2024.

Sound Stage Partners

20th Century Studios

Fox Studio Lot
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LA North Studios
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Los Angeles Center Studios

Los Angeles Center Studios
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MBS Media Campus
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Occidental Studios
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Paramount Pictures
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Quixote Studios
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Radford Studio Center
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Raleigh Studios
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Santa Clarita Studios

Santa Clarita Stuios
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Sony Pictures

Sony Pictures
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Sunset Studios
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Television City

Television City
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The Culver Studios
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Universal Studios

Universal Studios
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Walt Disney Studios

Walt Disney Studios
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Warner Bros.

Warner Bros.
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Get the Full Report
Download FilmLA's 2023 Q1 & Q2 Studio Data Report featuring a regional survey of sound stage occupancy and certified studio-based production.
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About FilmlA

FILML.A., INC® is a not-for-profit organization and the official film office of the City and County of Los Angeles, among an ever-increasing roster of local municipalities. Through expedited permit processing, comprehensive community relations, film policy analysis and other services, FilmLA works to streamline and enhance the on-location filmmaking process for communities and content creators, to ensure the Greater Los Angeles economy continues to thrive.

Integral to FilmLA’s work is ongoing research into the benefits that local filming brings to the Los Angeles region. To that end, we maintain an internal research division devoted to the production, collection and dissemination of information regarding the U.S. film production economy and global production trends.