Hundreds Rally in San Francisco to Support California Film & Television Tax Credit

FilmLAFor Communities, News ReleasesLeave a Comment

In a call for California to become more competitive and save one of its iconic industries, more than 600 union workers, film makers, local business representatives and hospitality workers gathered on June 14 in San Francisco to show support for Assembly Bill 1839 (Gatto/Bocanegra). If passed by the state legislature and signed by the governor, the bill could help retain … Read More

California Film & TV Tax Credit Helps Drive Growth in First Quarter

FilmLAFor Filmmakers, ResearchLeave a Comment

FilmL.A.’s recent film statistics update revealed that while overall film production has declined nearly one percent so far in 2014 (13,265 PPD in 2014 vs.  13,361 PPD in 2013), projects retained with the aid of the California Film and Television Tax Credit Program contribute mightily to regional production yields. This past quarter, fully 25 percent of area Feature production and … Read More

California’s Runaway Production Crisis Draws National Attention

FilmLAFor Communities, For Filmmakers, Research1 Comment

California’s ongoing struggle with runaway production has been getting lots of attention in recent weeks. In fact, runaway production is now a topic of discussion in some of the nation’s most influential news sources. This week, the exodus of production from California and the jobs and spending that go with it was the subject of an in-depth article in The … Read More

California Film & Television Tax Credit: Defending the State from Runaway Production

FilmLAFor Communities, For FilmmakersLeave a Comment

For more than a decade, California has been steadily losing its once undisputed dominance of the film and television production industry. From 2003 to 2009, California’s share of feature film production was cut nearly in half. In San Francisco alone, film and television production employment dropped 43 percent between 2001 and 2006. But in 2009, California enacted a Film & … Read More