Pasadena in Film at Busch Gardens and Hogan’s Aristocratic Dream

FilmLAFor Communities, For FilmmakersLeave a Comment

Article written by Mary Mallory Filmmakers have always loved shooting around the Los Angeles area because so many diverse locations offer tantalizing story possibilities at a fraction of the cost of traveling around the United States or out of the country to film. One of the most popular places employed for location shooting by early filmmaking companies was Pasadena, California. … Read More

Pair of Television Pilot Reports Reveal Impacts From State Film Incentives

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Earlier this week, FilmL.A. released its fourth report from its six-year study of television pilot production.  The report presented a mixed bag of findings: Out of those 169 [pilot] projects, a total of 87 television pilots were produced in the Los Angeles region. By one measure, this is second-largest annual take in Los Angeles history, totaling eleven projects more than … Read More