FilmL.A. Updates Quarterly Film Production Stats

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Earlier this month, FilmL.A. released second quarter on-location filming statistics for Greater Los Angeles.  Regional on-location Television production increased 33.7 percent over the prior year, totaling 5,761 permitted production days (PPD). Coincidentally, the category also exceeded its 5-year quarterly average by 33.7 percent. FilmL.A. researchers attribute most of the apparent growth to seasonal production shifts, although the California Film & … Read More

TV Production Schedule Shift Gives L.A. Filming False Lift

FilmLANews Releases, Research

FilmL.A. — the official film office of the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles and other area jurisdictions — today updated its regional on-location filming report. The report showed an unseasonably strong television production yield for the second quarter of 2014, which FilmL.A. attributes to production schedule shifts. “FilmL.A. is committed to broadening understanding of California film … Read More

California Film & TV Tax Credit Helps Drive Growth in First Quarter

FilmLAFor Filmmakers, ResearchLeave a Comment

FilmL.A.’s recent film statistics update revealed that while overall film production has declined nearly one percent so far in 2014 (13,265 PPD in 2014 vs.  13,361 PPD in 2013), projects retained with the aid of the California Film and Television Tax Credit Program contribute mightily to regional production yields. This past quarter, fully 25 percent of area Feature production and … Read More