Best known as the location from which the Batmobile sped out every week in the 1960s in search of villains committing dastardly deeds, Bronson Canyon and its cave has been featured in dozens of movies and television shows because of its craggy, desolate, and remote location, though just minutes above Hollywood on Canyon Drive in Griffith Park. This area has been a … Read More
Expansion Plans at Three Major Studios Promise Thousands of Jobs, Billions in New Economic Activity for L.A. Region
There are some very exciting plans at three of the major studios (Disney, Paramount, & NBCUniversal) to expand their operations significantly in California. If approved, these plans should offer hope to the thousands of workers and small businesses in California struggling through one of the longest and most devastating periods of runaway production in Hollywood’s history. Film Works decided to provide a … Read More
75 Days and $18.87 Million: The Economic Impact of One Film
Due to the popularity of an earlier post about the economic impact of one film that spent $20.2 million over 93 days filming in Los Angeles in 2009, we decided to make a series out of it. This is the second post in the series. From April to June 2010, this one major motion picture filmed in Los Angeles and … Read More
California’s Top Five Competitors for Film & TV Production Dollars
With roughly 40 U.S. states and dozens of other nations trying to attract runaway production from California, our state has many competitors. The amount of money other states have been willing to pay to rent a share of the motion picture and television production industry has skyrocketed, going from just $2 million in domestic spending in 1999 to well over … Read More
Film Works Testimonials – Angelenos Who Don’t Take the Biz for Granted
It’s once again time to share some of the testimonies we’ve received from supporters about why filming in Los Angeles matters to them. When Film Works published the first “I Support Filming in Los Angels Because” post in March, we were struck by how many comments ran counter to the rumored perception that many Angelenos take the entertainment industry for … Read More