Before Brand Library: Glendale’s El Miradero and its Use in Early Films

FilmLAProduction Alerts1 Comment

Article written by Mary Mallory Unique thematic architectural homes stand out all around the Los Angeles area, like Yamashiro and Frank Lloyd Wright’s Barnsdall, Freeman, and Storer residences, just to name a few. Many such homes have their own filmographies. Glendale possesses another exotic specimen, Leslie C. Brand’s mystical El Miradero, which is now known as the Brand Library. Built … Read More

Pasadena in Film at Busch Gardens and Hogan’s Aristocratic Dream

FilmLAFor Communities, For FilmmakersLeave a Comment

Article written by Mary Mallory Filmmakers have always loved shooting around the Los Angeles area because so many diverse locations offer tantalizing story possibilities at a fraction of the cost of traveling around the United States or out of the country to film. One of the most popular places employed for location shooting by early filmmaking companies was Pasadena, California. … Read More

Hollywood Heights – Studio City Nightlife

FilmLAFor Communities17 Comments

(Editor’s note: Film Works is pleased to announce our first guest blogger, Mary Mallory.  Mary works for the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences and is a frequent contributor to the Daily Mirror blog, which examines the history of Los Angeles.  Mary’s articles focus on the history of certain locations throughout greater Los Angeles that have strong ties to … Read More