Exceptional Minds Offers Learning Opportunities Unique to Los Angeles

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One of the benefits to living in the world’s creative capital is the rich array of learning opportunities available for creative professionals.  A few weeks back, FilmL.A. staffers were reminded of this fact while touring Exceptional Minds, a one-of-a-kind, non-profit vocational education program that prepares young adults on the autism spectrum for careers in digital animation and visual effects. Headquartered … Read More

Hollywood Visual Effects Freelancer Takes Time to Reach Out to Hollywood’s Homeless

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North Carolina native Spencer Tucker moved into the heart of Hollywood in later Summer 2010. Like many in the entertainment industry, Spencer moved here to further his career as a cinematographer. He drips with Southern Hospitality, yet without any trace of a southern accent. Like the place he now calls home, Spencer is delightfully unique. Like so many in his … Read More