City of Los Angeles Looking to Make Next Season of Episodic TV Easier

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One of the fake sinkholes created by "Bones".  Click to see how they made it.On May 20th, representatives of the City of Los Angeles’ City Administrative Officer (CAO), the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA), the Mayor’s Office and staff of FilmL.A. met with TV show location managers to discuss on-location filming and the filming-related procedures of various City departments.

Currently on hiatus from filming, Tim Hillman of CSI: NY, Tony Salome of NCIS: Los Angeles and Deborah Laub of Bones conveyed to City personnel the challenges they face on their location-dependent shows, which are shot on eight-day schedules per episode and require close collaboration with FilmL.A. and the City for timely permit review and approval.

The goal of the meeting was to uncover inefficiencies or bottlenecks in departmental procedures that can be addressed before filming begins on the upcoming season in July.

Each show has its unique needs and challenges.  For example, Bones often requires parks where digging can occur.  “Because of our storyline, we dig a lot of holes — that is, when we can’t create them digitally.  We often need to dig down between three and six feet, and we need the City’s assistance in finding such parks and in getting quick, accurate information about the pipe and gas line infrastructure below ground,” said location manager Deborah Laub.

Salome, who regularly films in Venice where the City’s Park Film Office and the County Roads and Beaches and Harbors Departments’ jurisdictions overlap, said “It’s gratifying to see the City being proactive and taking action to improve conditions and services that affect film & TV production daily in the City.”

Another meeting with additional location managers and City personnel will take place later this week.

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