In February, the City of Vernon entered into a contract with FilmL.A. for on-location film permit coordination. This new agreement means FilmL.A. will now coordinate film production on private and public property within Vernon city limits, and filmmakers can combine Vernon locations with those in other areas served by FilmL.A. on a single multi-jurisdictional permit.
Located just a few miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles, within the Thirty-Mile Zone, Vernon was the first exclusively industrial city in the Southwestern United States. The City is home to more than 1,800 businesses that employ approximately 50,000 people, in industries including food and agriculture, apparel, steel, plastics, logistics and home furnishings.
“We are a film-friendly city and have terrific facilities for film, television and commercial producers’ use,” said Capt. Todd Schoenig of the Vernon Fire Department. “We are partnering with FilmL.A. to ensure it’s as easy and streamlined a process as possible for filmmakers to take advantage of our locations and get the shots they need.”
Service to Vernon will start immediately. Filmmakers interested in working in Vernon should visit the FilmL.A. website to learn more about insurance and permit requirements and fees.
For more information about filming in Vernon, please contact our Production Planning Department at 213.977.8600.