FilmL.A. Participates in Produced By Conference

FilmLAFor FilmmakersLeave a Comment

This past Saturday and Sunday, FilmL.A. staffers participated in the 2011 Produced By Conference organized by the Producers Guild of America (PGA) in conjunction with the Association of Film Commissioners, International (AFCI).

Held on the lot at Walt Disney Studios in Burbank, the event presented an unusual spectacle.  Imagine: film commission representatives from other states and nations gathered at an iconic SoCal studio, all looking to capture a share of California’s heritage industry.  In an ironic twist, there were probably more sound stages in the immediate vicinity than some of California’s competitors have in their entire jurisdiction!

FilmL.A. used to opportunity to tout its practical service offerings for local filmmakers, including the LocoScout location search tool, free production planning assistance and multiple film coordination agreements with local school districts.

This was FilmL.A.’s second year as an exhibitor at the Produced By Conference and its first as a booth sponsor at an AFCI-branded event.  Thanks to the California Film Commission and representatives of Film Liaisons in California, Statewide (FLICS), as well as participation by several local vendors and suppliers, the California film industry was well-represented at the trade show.

FilmL.A. staffers Paul Audley, Todd Lindgren, Adrian McDonald, Philip Sokoloski and Jodi Strong took turns handing out FilmL.A. info packets and Film Works stickers.

“Many folks in the local entertainment industry want FilmL.A. and particularly Los Angeles to do more in the way of marketing to filmmakers,” said FilmL.A. President Paul Audley.

“This year, with the Film Works campaign in full swing, it made perfect sense to set up a booth at the Produced By Conference and network with local decision-makers.  We thank everyone who stopped by the FilmL.A. booth, particularly those with kind words for FilmL.A. and the Film Works campaign.”

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