FilmL.A. Honored as Outstanding Film Commission at LMGI Awards

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On April 23, the locations community gathered at the Alex Theatre in Glendale for the third annual Location Managers Guild International Awards.  Awards were bestowed in six categories including Outstanding Locations in a Period Film, Outstanding Locations in a Contemporary Film, Outstanding Locations in a Period Television Series, Outstanding Locations in a Contemporary Television Series, Outstanding Locations in a Commercial. This year, FilmL.A. was honored with the LMGI Award for Outstanding Film Commission.

FilmL.A.’s nomination was submitted by the location team of Amazon’s Bosch. The award was presented by Kevin Clark, CEO of the Association of Film Commissioners International (AFCI) and was accepted by FilmL.A. President, Paul Audley and Director of Production Planning, Jodi Strong.

jodi strong paul audley“We are honored and excited to have received the LMGI award for Outstanding Film Commission,” said Paul Audley.

Other FilmL.A. staffers in attendance were Production Coordinators Jason Del Paine, Nicole Tanker, Carri Stevens, Michael Gonzalez, Daniel Poissant, Operations Director, Josh Mingo, Production Planning Manager, Amy Kradolfer, and Director of Permit Administration Susan Angrisano.  All worked in some fashion to support Bosch during production.

“Thank you to the team at Bosch and thank you FilmL.A. staff for all of your hard work,” Audley said.  “FilmL.A. is proud of its long-standing partnership with the locations community.  This relationship helps to ensure filming takes place without difficulty and neighborhoods remain sustainable for filming.”

Other honors included the Lifetime Achievement Award given to location manager Janice Polley.  The California Film Commission’s Trailblazer honor was awarded to Teamsters Local 399 head Steve Dayan.  The Eva Monley Award was accepted by Jeff Goldblum and Amy Brenneman and Brad Silberling received LMGI’s Humanitarian Award.

Presenters included Christopher Guest, Melanie Mayron, Milana Vayntrub, Jillian Armenante and AFCI executive director Kevin Clark. Location manager David Doumeng served as host.

FilmL.A. congratulates the Location Managers Guild International on another successful LMGI Awards ceremony.



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