Each year, the American Film Market (AFM), produced by the Independent Film & Television Alliance (IFTA) brings to West Los Angeles more than 8,000 film industry professionals from 70+ countries. Producers, directors, distributors, marketing professionals, film commissioners and others gather from across the world for eight days of screenings, seminars and deal-making.
This year, as participants disembarked from their cars and shuttles at the Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, some probably looked up to see a sign in the hotel turncourt. The sign in clear, unadorned type read “L.A. Welcomes You Home.” FilmL.A. was on the scene and working to sell Los Angeles to the world. A separate sign in the hotel emphasized to filmmakers, “You CAN Make it In Los Angeles. We [FilmL.A.] Make it Work.”
FilmL.A.’s decision to exhibit at AFM this year was driven by our mission to promote filming in the Greater L.A. Region. As a Premiere event sponsor of the 7-day event, FilmL.A. secured indoor and outdoor signage, panel representation, and a 10’ X 20’ trade show booth.
Thanks to the generosity of Madame Tussaud’s and the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, FilmL.A.’s booth featured iconic Hollywood imagery including a Hollywood Walk of Fame replica, a Hollywood Sign backdrop and a and full-size wax figure of Marilyn Monroe.
In all, eighteen FilmL.A. staffers and two board members assisted in staffing the booth during the show’s eight day run.
We used the opportunity to converse with filmmakers about the advantages of working in the region, including free Production Planning assistance from FilmL.A. and access to state film incentives through the California Film Commission. We also told them about the availability of free public filming locations from the City of Los Angeles, as well as tax incentives for businesses that set up offices in L.A. City limits.
In our time at AFM we met and conversed with hundreds of individuals, with many telling us they were pleased to see FilmL.A. and Los Angeles represented.
“We went to AFM to demonstrate that the L.A. region and the State of California are willing to compete for this business,” said FilmL.A. President Paul Audley, who was on-site for much of the event.
“There are many advantages to filming in California, but given how aggressive our competition has become, we need to do a better job of promoting them.”
The AFM returns to Santa Monica next November. If you have questions about filming in Los Angeles, please call us at 213.977.8600 and ask to speak with a member of our Production Planning Department.