FilmLA is pleased to announce the launch of a new partnership with the City of Glendale, establishing FilmLA as the centralized coordinator of film permits and related services in the City, effective August 1, 2022 (Prior to that date, inquiries should continue to be directed to the City of Glendale Film and Special Event Office).
Glendale is nestled between the San Gabriel Mountains and downtown Los Angeles, offering multiple opportunities to film, from the middle of a mountain range to the heart of a bustling city. Popular filming locations include the City of Glendale Civic Center, its Old Police Station, and network of City maintained parks – all available to filming.
Filmmakers with an interest in filming in Glendale will be able to do so through FilmLA’ s one-stop permitting solution. Information on how to film in Glendale will be added to the FilmLA website, along with a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Meanwhile, Glendale residents will benefit from FilmLA’s comprehensive community relations program, which includes neighborhood notification ahead of filming events and access to FilmLA’s 24/7 community support hotline.
In preparation for the new partnership, the City of Glendale recently revised its filming policies to more closely align with the California Film Commission’s Model Film Ordinance. When FilmLA assumes responsibility for application processing in August, the City’s police and fire departments will retain their roles as reviewers and approvers in the permit process.
“Glendale’s unique characteristics and ideal location for filming located within the “30 Mile Zone” offers a wide range of opportunities for filming within our City. With an extensive catalog of movies, TV shows, and more, our city has been the backdrop of many beloved Hollywood productions. We’re confident this partnership with FilmLA will continue to enhance and sustain our profile and provide exceptional services to the film community and Glendale residents. We want to keep filming local, and this will help us do that.”
– The Honorable Ardashes “Ardy” Kassakhian, Mayor, City of Glendale
“We are thrilled to deepen our relationship with Glendale and excited to promote all that the City has to offer. Glendale will join 15 other cities and the County of Los Angeles as partners to FilmLA, in addition to the Glendale Unified School District, which we proudly partnered with in 2010.”
– Donna Washington, Vice President of Operations, FilmLA
Those interested in filming in the City of Glendale after August 1 are encouraged to call FilmLA’s Solution Services Department at (213) 977-8600.