Lawndale Schools Secure New Representation

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Lawndale school facilities are open for filming.Nine new filming locations just became more available to filmmakers thanks to a new agreement between FilmL.A. and the Lawndale Elementary School District (LESD).  As the fifth school district to partner with FilmL.A., LESD now benefits from a streamlined film license coordination and referral service that incentivizes filming and generates critical revenues for education.
Located in the heart of the South Bay, the City of Lawndale (pop: 31,711) is home to nine schools — including six K-5 elementary schools and two middle schools — that together provide primary education to approximately 6,000 students. Lawndale is bordered by the communities of Redondo Beach on the West and Southwest, Hawthorne on the North and Torrance on the Southeast.
According to Patricia Edgar, who manages FilmL.A.’s property management team, “The ability to earn revenues from filming is an option all local educators should consider.  I look forward to helping LESD increase the amount of filming its schools can accommodate, while staying mindful of their educational mission.”
For information about filming at these and other schools, contact Patricia Edgar at 213.977.8600.

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