Location Managers are often tasked with making the impossible possible, with making the director’s wishes a reality. They are responsible for finding and securing film locations and required permits for a production company wishing to shoot on-location. They may also assist in planning the logistics of the film shoot and serve as the production’s community and government liaison. We at FilmL.A. are proud to help them do their job.
While Location Managers usually work hard behind the scenes and are careful not to step in front of the camera, we have asked several to do just that… in order to film video testimonials for our website.
Each week we will post a new testimonial to the video player on our homepage at www.filmla.com. You can currently find videos of Doug Dresser, California On-Location Awards (COLA) Co-winner for Location Manager of the Year, and J.J. Hook, who has worked on such projects as Transformers 2 and Land of the Lost, both coming soon to a theater near you.
Be sure to check back each week for a new face and stories about filming in L.A.