On January 13, FilmLA will implement several new systems to facilitate improved customer service and call routing. Going forward, FilmLA’s Solution Services department will apply new technology and dedicated customer service personnel to deliver faster access to the information and experts you need.
During a brief, two week period of transition, customers who call in to FilmLA may temporarily experience longer than average hold times. We appreciate your patience during this reallocation of resources.
Fully executed, the new system will provide faster access to the experts and information you need. Because all inbound inquiries will be routed through an Interactive Voice Assistant and the Solution Services Group, filmmakers and community constituents can expect shorter call hold times, fewer call transfers, and faster answers to permit and production related questions.
Starting Monday, callers placed in hold queues will also be notified of their wait status. Should you find yourself on hold for longer than you prefer, and would like a FilmLA representative to call you back as soon as one is available, you will now have an option to request this through the system.
Thank you for your understanding. If you have any comments/concerns to share about your experience, please email us at info@filmla.com. We look forward to serving you better in the days ahead.
The FilmLA Innovation Team