On-Location Feature Production Rises for Third Consecutive Quarter

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On-location filming in Greater Los Angeles rose 3 percent in the third quarter of 2018, according to a FilmL.A. report released today.  In all, 9,734 Shoot Days (SD)* were logged during the period, including all filming categories tracked by the nonprofit.  On-location Feature production is up for a third consecutive quarter.

“We’re grateful for the continued positive impact of the California Film Tax Credit program as it continues to boost employment and production in Greater Los Angeles,” said FilmL.A. President Paul Audley.  “Increases in feature film, commercials, TV pilot and TV drama production are very good news for the region’s economy.”

Incentivized projects brought to Los Angeles by the California Film & Television Tax Credit Program contributed 15.1 percent or 197 of the 1,301 SD in the Feature category. Incentivized Features filming in Los Angeles in the third quarter included Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Against All Enemies and Birdbox.

The Television category overall saw and overall increase of 1.8 percent to 4,095 SD in the third quarter.  Much of the jump in the TV category was attributed to the TV Dramas category which leapt 21.6 percent for the quarter.  Incentivized TV Dramas accounted for 19 percent or 284 of the 1,497 SD during the period.  Qualifying TV Dramas that filmed during the third quarter included American Princess and Netflix’s newly acquired Lucifer.

Increases were also seen in TV Pilots (up 30 percent to 78 SD), TV Reality (up 5.5 percent to 1,127 SD) and the “Other” category, that consists largely of still photo shoots, student projects and music videos (up 0.4 percent to 2,938 SD).

Decreases were seen in TV Comedies (down 3 percent to 518 SD). Incentivized TV Comedy projects accounted for 18.1 percent or 94 of the 518 SD for the quarter.  A qualifying TV Comedy project that filmed during the third quarter was Good Girls.  A decline was also seen in Web-Based TV (down 32.1 percent to 379 SD), a category comprised primarily of short-form content.

On-location Commercial production continued to rise in 2018, rising 4.9 percent in the third quarter (to 1,400 SD), and finishing 9.2 percent above the category’s five-year average.

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