Register Today for LA2021: Future of Creative Talent Summit Series

FilmLAFor Communities, For Filmmakers

The Film, Television and Digital Media industries are crucial to Los Angeles County’s identity and economy, and will be integral in its economic recovery during and after the COVID-19 crisis. The LA2021 Future of Creative Talent Summit Series — produced by The County of Los Angeles Chief Executive Office in partnership with Beacon Economics — will be an online venture … Read More

FilmLA Celebrates Six Years of Community Events and Film-Friendly Fun

FilmLAFor Communities, LA Loves FilmLeave a Comment

Since 2014, FilmLA has partnered with local elected officials, neighborhood groups and film industry sponsors to facilitate free community events, resource fairs and film screenings for area residents and their families. The assistance FilmLA provides at these events varies, but most often it takes the form of providing refreshments or sourcing projection equipment, securing film licenses and more. FilmLA’s community … Read More

FilmL.A. Continues Support for Community Film Screenings

FilmLAFor CommunitiesLeave a Comment

FilmL.A. continues to work with City and County partners to bring free summer entertainment to local neighborhoods! FilmL.A., in partnership with the offices of the Los Angeles City Council, local Neighborhood Councils, community organizations and the film industry has worked to help bring free outdoor movie screenings to neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles.  Taking many forms, such as film licensing fees, … Read More