FilmL.A. — There at the “Inception”

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Currently, the top box office draw is Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.  And while the film shot scenes in a number of countries and cities, Angelenos who see the film should recognize many scenes that were filmed on-location in L.A. FilmL.A.’s Production Planning Team was instrumental in providing the Inception filmmakers with early assurance that logistically challenging shoots could be accomplished … Read More

Talented FilmL.A. Volunteers on Broadway

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Though some of FilmL.A.’s talented staff members dream of NY’s Broadway, several staffers were recently much more focused on Downtown L.A.’s Historic Broadway Core, where they showed off not their singing and dancing, but their sweeping and scrubbing skills. As part of the ongoing Bringing Back Broadway initiative of Los Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizar, a FilmL.A. team joined about … Read More

FilmL.A. Installs, Volunteers to Collect Feedback on New Special Conditions for Downtown Filming

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On March 1, 2010, FilmL.A. implemented new Special Conditions for Location Filming in Downtown Los Angeles. Installed on a trial/evaluation basis with the consent of city government, the new Conditions supersede all other guidelines for filming within the boundaries of the Downtown Los Angeles Neighborhood Council (DLANC). The new Conditions mark the third major attempt to improve relations between filmmakers, residents … Read More

FilmL.A. Board Member Profile: Dan Swartz

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Dan Swartz is the newest member of the FilmL.A. Board of Directors, having been appointed in May 2009 as a community representative.  An architect and real estate developer, Dan is a Midwest transplant (1979) who has loved being a resident of downtown Los Angeles since 2005. To learn his perspectives on FilmL.A. and the Los Angeles film production environment, our … Read More