Talented FilmL.A. Volunteers on Broadway

FilmLAFor CommunitiesLeave a Comment

  Members of FilmL.A.'s Team Contribute to the Broadway Community Clean-UpThough some of FilmL.A.’s talented staff members dream of NY’s Broadway, several staffers were recently much more focused on Downtown L.A.’s Historic Broadway Core, where they showed off not their singing and dancing, but their sweeping and scrubbing skills.

As part of the ongoing Bringing Back Broadway initiative of Los Angeles City Councilman Jose Huizar, a FilmL.A. team joined about 100 other volunteers and City of L.A. employees on June 12th for the Broadway Community Clean-up, designed to make the neighborhood a more attractive place.

Our own Paul Audley, Adriana Flores, Maricela Garcia, Carmen McRae, Adriana Ruacho and Maria Vergara joined other volunteers in scraping gum and stickers off sidewalks, sweeping trash from alleyways, painting out graffiti and replanting barren planters.

Maricela, FilmL.A.’s billing and collections specialist, found her participation very worthwhile.  “I took my kids because I wanted them to see things from a different perspective and see that they can make a difference,” she said. “After working all morning to scrape it off the sidewalk, they swore they will never, ever spit out gum on the ground again,” she added.

“FilmL.A. is committed to building better communities,” said FilmL.A. Director of Human Resources Carmen McRae.  “We look forward to offering our staffers more opportunities to serve our communities and to find team-building exercises outside of the office in the future.”

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