California Assembly Bill 1839: Keeping Film and TV Production Jobs in California

FilmLAFor Communities, For Filmmakers, ResearchLeave a Comment

California’s preeminent place in the global economy comes from a continuous drive for more and better opportunities, constant growth and never settling for the status quo. That drive is at the heart of new legislation, AB 1839, authored by Assembly members Mike Gatto and Raul Bocanegra. California’s Film and Television Tax Credit Program is one of the state’s most efficient and … Read More

California Film & Television Tax Credit: Defending the State from Runaway Production

FilmLAFor Communities, For FilmmakersLeave a Comment

For more than a decade, California has been steadily losing its once undisputed dominance of the film and television production industry. From 2003 to 2009, California’s share of feature film production was cut nearly in half. In San Francisco alone, film and television production employment dropped 43 percent between 2001 and 2006. But in 2009, California enacted a Film & … Read More

Altadena Nonprofit Raises Almost $10,000 from Film & TV Production, Donates Money Locally

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The entertainment industry touches the lives of everyone living in the Greater Los Angeles Region.  Many of us work in the industry ourselves, or are close to one or more people who do.  Others of us — who may not consider ourselves to be “in the business” — nonetheless work for companies that the industry financially supports.  For many Angelenos, … Read More

FilmL.A., Partners Launch “Film Works” Marketing Campaign

FilmLAFor Communities, For Filmmakers1 Comment

On December 13th, 2010, FilmL.A. launched “Film Works” — a stakeholder-driven marketing campaign designed to promote filming in Los Angeles. Conceived and supported by a growing coalition of entertainment industry, community and government partners, the Film Works campaign exists to remind Angelenos of the economic and cultural benefits the L.A. region receives from local filming, while highlighting the challenges local … Read More