FilmL.A. — There at the “Inception”

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Currently, the top box office draw is Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.  And while the film shot scenes in a number of countries and cities, Angelenos who see the film should recognize many scenes that were filmed on-location in L.A. FilmL.A.’s Production Planning Team was instrumental in providing the Inception filmmakers with early assurance that logistically challenging shoots could be accomplished … Read More

Filmmakers Urged to Flood LADWP (With Requests to Film)

FilmLAFor FilmmakersLeave a Comment

Immediately following the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP), a proprietary department of the City of Los Angeles, restricted filming at LADWP properties to ensure there was no threat to the public’s health. Since that initial halt to filming, security protocols have been put in place, and individual LADWP properties have … Read More