In tough economic times, individuals, families and businesses find ways to slash budgets, streamline and “go without”. One such risky ploy to save money seems be happening more frequently — production companies “going without” a film permit. While pinching pennies is prudent, filming without a permit is illegal and can be costly. It’s been two years now since the Los … Read More
Guerrilla Filming: Skipping Permits to Pinch Pennies Can Cost Big Bucks
With the economy as it is, budgets are tight. Everyone is looking for ways to “tighten the belt” and save money. If you’re a filmmaker, it may seem like that’s always the case; cameras and lights cost money, crews cost money, production insurance costs money, etc., and of course you need to maximize every dollar. There are right and wrong … Read More
Film U: City Council Film Liaisons Get Educated
In October 2009, the Los Angeles City Council passed a series of nineteen recommendations designed to make the City more film-friendly. One of the recommendations was to have each council office designate a film liaison to be that office’s point person on film issues. On June 24th, FilmL.A. hosted a day-long training session that provided these liaisons an in-depth look … Read More
LAPD Using Expanded Film Permit Enforcement Powers
The Los Angeles Police Department’s film permit enforcement powers have been clarified under a revised Special Events Ordinance. Passed into law last October by the Los Angeles City Council, the new ordinance revised section 41.20 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to make it a misdemeanor offense for production companies to film without a permit or engage in activities … Read More
LAPD Film Unit Undergoes Changes
Just over a year ago, the Los Angeles Police Department launched its Contract Services Section (CSS), which contains a film unit responsible for the review and approval of filming permits on behalf of the Los Angeles Police Department. Since its creation, CSS personnel have been a visible presence at film sets, where they have conducted random spot checks to ensure … Read More