As FilmL.A. last week, on-location filming across all tracked categories declined 24.5 percent in the first half of 2009, compared to the same six-month period in 2008. We recorded 19,015 permitted production days (PPD) between January and June 2009, compared to 25,196 PPD tallied in the previous year.
Struggling under four straight quarters of double-digit losses, Feature film production in the first half of the year fell 52.5 percent compared to 2008 (2,314 vs. 4,868 PPD). The disappointing figures foretell more troubling news ahead; unless the category posts unlikely gains in the next six months, 2009 will bump 2008 to become the worst year ever observed for on-location Feature production in Los Angeles.
Meanwhile, permitted production days for Commercials are down 31.1 percent (2,459 vs. 3,570 PPD) year-to-date. The Commercials category — which has experienced year-over-year annual losses in 2006, 2007 and 2008 — has also posted four straight quarters of double-digit losses. The slow economy remains a contributing factor.
Television has fared better as a category, declining only 4.2 percent (8,277 vs. 8,636 PPD) year-to-date compared to 2008. Within the TV category, TV Dramas are up 9.5 percent year-to-date, TV Sitcoms are down 37.5 percent, TV Reality is down 12.0 percent, and TV Pilots are up 10.8 percent.
FilmL.A.’s production reports are issued quarterly and immediately made available on our website. Other special reports, such as our 2005-2009 Television Pilot Production Report, are also archived on our site for easy retrieval.