Construction Set to Begin August 2015: 6th Street Viaduct

FilmLAProduction Alerts

Please be advised, a construction project is set to begin on the 6th Street Bridge and surrounding areas which will result in several bridge and road closures. Closures of surrounding areas will go into effect within the next few weeks, with demolition of the bridge starting in August 2015. The overall project is scheduled to last well into the year 2018.

Production companies will have limited access to the Los Angeles River tunnel and surrounding areas during construction.

FilmL.A. will receive notice of specific closures and road restrictions approximately 5 days prior to the scheduled closure day. Please note this timeframe when inquiring about filming in the affected areas.

Permit requests for posted parking or closures within the designated work areas may be subject to further review or adjustments due to construction activity (please see map below).

For more information about filming in the City of Los Angeles, or in any of the other jurisdictions served by FilmL.A., we invite you to contact FilmL.A.’s Production Planning Department.
