L.A. On-Location Filming Levels Recover 9.5 Percent

FilmLANews Releases, ResearchLeave a Comment

L.A. area on-location filming increased 9.5 percent in the third quarter compared to the same period last year (11,792 permitted production days — or PPD — in 2013 vs. 10,773 PPD in 2012), according to a report released earlier this month by FilmL.A. Growth in the Features production category (up 19.5 percent to 1,959 PPD) and the Commercials category (up … Read More

“Drive” Helping Put Los Angeles Back On Screen, Local Economy Back on Feet

FilmLAFor FilmmakersLeave a Comment

Opening in theaters across the nation today is FilmDistrict’s Drive, which stars Ryan Gossling, Carey Mulligan and Albert Brooks.  The film is being widely praised by critics and has an impressive 94% rating at Rotton Tomatoes. The film was shot entirely on location in Los Angeles, which is a very rare event these days. Director Nicolas Winding Refn was committed … Read More

“Film Ready” L.A. Property Company and Local Non-Profit Making “Film Work” for Skid Row Residents

FilmLAFor Communities, Local Business Profiles1 Comment

Film Works is pleased to present our first business profile/public service announcement (PSA) video and blog post.  We contacted Los Angeles-based Cap Equity Locations after hearing about a partnership they formed with SRO Housing, which is “dedicated to building a vibrant community for homeless and low-income individuals.”  Rather write about this partnership, which Film Works thought was fantastic, we decided to … Read More