DPW Introduces New Express Flood Film Scouting Permit

FilmLAFor Filmmakers, Production Alerts2 Comments

Express Flood Film Scouting Permit Flyer

The flood control system that protects the residents of Los Angeles County is the largest municipally owned flood control system in the world, providing the backbone of flood control for the entire Los Angeles basin, the San Fernando, San Gabriel and Santa Clarita Valleys. The Los Angeles County Flood Control District controls and conserves flood, storms, and other wastewaters. The duties of the district are administered by Public Works, who maintains and operates 14 dams, 529 miles of open channels, 2,811 miles storm drains, 398 debris retaining facilities, and 35 sediment placement sites. As such, the maintenance and operation of that system requires hundreds of employees working full time, contracts with vendors to provide services, and compliance with numerous guidelines.

About the Express Flood Film Scouting Permit

Throughout the County, several flood control basins have become popular with the industry as filming locations. In order to scout any of the flood district properties, a location scout must schedule a walk-thru with County personnel. The Department of Public Works’ Stormwater Maintenance Division has streamlined the walk-thru process by asking location scouts to apply for a new permit called the Express Flood Film Scouting Permit.

  • This permit will be auto-issued for non-sensitive facilities.
  • The cost is $100 to cover staff time for an escort.
  • The permit will provide a point of contact, an email, and phone number for one of the DPW’s employees with whom you can schedule an escort while scouting.

>>Click Here to Apply for Your Permit on EpicLA

Please note that the Express Flood Film Scouting Permit is obtained independent of an on location filming permit and cannot be applied for through the MyFilmLA permit system. It must be applied for via EpicLA.

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2 Comments on “DPW Introduces New Express Flood Film Scouting Permit”

  1. Could you please supply what areas this actually covers? There is a descriptor how vast an area it covers but no details as to what it actually is.

    1. The Express Flood Film Scouting Permit is required for the scouting of all LA County Flood Control District properties. If you are not sure if a specific property is LACFCD, please feel free to contact FilmLA’s Production Planning with your question at info@filmla.com.

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