The school districts that FilmLA partners with have informed us of their Spring Break Schedules for 2024.
School facilities may still be available for filming and/or parking use during this time, however, requests must be discussed and coordinated with school site administrators prior to the applications being submitted to FilmLA for processing. With limited staffing during Spring Break, communication with school administrators, procuring custodial staff, and gaining access to school sites may be challenging. As a reminder, basic requests take five business days to process. The use of special effects, animals, and other extraordinary activity may require more time.
Spring Break days are not considered business days for processing. Requests during Spring Break and immediately following must account for additional processing times and have the permit finalized before the break begins.
Dates for the annual Spring Break at public School Districts partnered with FilmLA:
- Los Angeles Unified School District: 03.25.24 – 04.1.24
- Burbank Unified School District: 03.18.24 – 03.22.24
- Glendale Unified School District: 03.18.24 – 03.22.24
- La Cañada Unified School District: 04.01.24 – 04.08.24
- Lawndale Elementary School District: 03.29.24 – 04.05.24
If you have any questions, please contact FilmLA’s School Specialist at
Thank you for your attention to this notice. We look forward to helping you film in Greater Los Angeles.