FilmL.A. Employees Get Recognition in Print

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To recognize staffers for providing fantastic customer service to industry customers, government clients and community stakeholders, FilmL.A. introduced its G.R.I.P. program (Giving Recognition in Print) in 2007. Under the G.R.I.P. program, FilmL.A. supervisors and peers can commend their co-workers for acts of exemplary customer service.  Company-wide recognition and token bonuses memorialize employees’ achievements and motivate staffers to go the extra … Read More

FilmL.A. Production Coordinators Participate in LAFD Training Program

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Since July, FilmL.A. Production Coordinators have been taking advantage of a new on-the-job training opportunity organized by the Los Angeles City Fire Department. Initially conceived by Captain Fred Fowlks of the Los Angeles Fire Department Film Unit, the Fire Safety Ride Along program is increasing communication among permit coordinators and the LAFD and strengthening safety oversight measures built into the … Read More

FilmL.A. Field Staff Racks Up Miles, Rewards for Safe Driving Habits

FilmLAFor Communities1 Comment

It’s a little-known fact that more than half of FilmL.A.’s workforce is comprised of field personnel serving as Field Services Representatives and FilmL.A. Monitors. And whether they’re tasked with distributing Notices of Filming to area communities or spending their days, nights or weekends monitoring film shoots, their jobs require traveling all over Los Angeles County, racking up a lot of … Read More