LADOT Introduces New Posted Parking Change Request Deadline

FilmLAFor Filmmakers, Production Alerts

LADOT parking change request FilmLA

The temporary reservation of curbside parking for film production purposes is efficient and straightforward in Los Angeles. Reviewing and approving street parking requests and issuing public notice in the form of temporary “No Parking” signs, is essential for on-location filming.      Requests for posted parking are easily placed through MyFilmLA and processed alongside the rest of each application. Recently, the … Read More


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Production Alert FilmLA

More than a decade ago, leaders in the City of Los Angeles enacted a new policy allowing some city-owned properties to be used for free by the film industry. This includes some municipal buildings (i.e., City Hall) and city managed off-street parking lots.  Today, Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) manages over a hundred and fifteen off-street parking lots that are located everywhere from far north in … Read More